Saturday, June 18, 2011

Second Day of Teaching

I want to post pictures so badly so you can get the true feeling of what we are doing but I am having trouble with it.  So I will go ahead and post this and keep working on it until I get it  right.

( This is for my daughter in law Nicole, yes I do know how to load the picture becasue I did it on the first blog.)

Wow! What a difference a day can make.  Our teaching went great today.  We were teaching about families.  The students were interested in learning the words for members of the family. They love the songs and games we play with them.  They are used to coming into the classroom and copying off the board things written in English that they don’t really understand.  The teachers are not active in the classroom.   They mostly sit at their desk and watch the children do their copying. So the students love being able to participate in all the activities. We sing and dance and play games with them.  This is something they are not used to at all in their school day.  So of course they love us.

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