Wednesday, June 29, 2011


         Remember when I told you about the faculty having a meeting and all the teachers were gone, well I want to tell you a story about something that happened in one of our classes.  The children were at recess and when it was time to end recess the children the whistle didn't blow. We went to our normal fourth grade classroom to teach. The room was full.  We normally have 40-50 students  in the room. As we started teaching we noticed that every bench was full to capacity-meaning four students on every bench at least 60 students in the room. We sang the Hello Song, and read through the ‘morning message’. This time the message was set up as a cloze procedure, so there were missing words and they invited students to fill in the blanks. Just as we were starting to review the emotions vocabulary from the previous day, someone rang the bell. Half the class stood up and walked out of the room…it turned out that those extra students were from other classes and just snuck in to get an extra English lesson during their recess. 

This is one of the third grade classes I teach

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