Sunday, June 26, 2011


This morning started off with a service project for our group.  Every third Saturday, in Rwanda is a community service day. At least one representative from each family must join in a neighbor community service project or be fined. What a lesson for us to learn. Our group of teachers decided to help the school where we are teaching, so we washed the chalkboard in six classrooms and then painted them black. Since the teachers cover the boards in work every day for the students to copy their boards were in real need of some cleaning and new paint. You will notice I am not in any of the pictures. Someone had to document the work. Really I took my turn washing blacboards and picking up litter off the dirt playground. This nation needs a litter control campaign!

Mixing paint with gasoline to thin it out.  Yes, I said gasoline.

Veronica washing the blackboards.

Rolling on the the paint

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