Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Day of Teaching

Today was our first day of teaching.  We entered the classroom with such eager faces awaiting us. We were surprised at all the students have already learned. In order to reach all the students, we spent 45 minutes in each classroom. The students knew many fun songs and we sang often to keep both the teachers and students energized. None of us can get these tunes out of our head.  We will be singing them in our sleep. We taught four classes in the morning stating at 7:45 and ending at 11:15.  From 11:15 to 1:15 we went back to the Guest House to have lunch and rest up a bit before our afternoon classes started.  Then we headed back to the school to our new kids for the afternoon.  The day of teaching has just finished and we are sitting around already planning our lessons for tomorrow.  Some of us are wondering what in the heck we signed up for.  This is hard!  But most of us have already experienced several rewarding moments with a child and we know that this will be worth it in the end.  We know without pain there is no gain!! for both students and teachers.

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