Friday, June 24, 2011


The weather here has been delightful.  For a couple of days, the sun hasn’t been shining which of course makes it even cooler. That is good for us, but not good for the students at school. In the classroom there is a single light bulb in the middle of the room.  I have never seen it turned on in any of the rooms. They rely on the sun as their source of light for the room. Even on sunny days the rooms are quite dark, so when there is no sun the rooms are very dark.  This doesn’t seem to bother any of the students or teacher. The teachers usually stay in the room and grade papers while we teach, even in the dark.  The students write really small because paper is such a precious commodity here. On one such morning, in one class, I saw four different students fall asleep. Today the teacher fell asleep while we were teaching. The next time the students in my class ask if they can turn off the lights in my classroom, I will think twice about it!!

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