Friday, June 24, 2011


The Peace House boys all attend our school.
The Peace House boys came to dinner tonight.  This is kind of an orphanage run by the Church of Christ missionaries here.  They have chosen two local guys in their late 20’s to find boys on the streets. These boys come from broken homes, or when there are too many children in a family they may send the boys to fin for themselves on the streets. This Peace House just started in the fall.  The have chosen seven boys to feed, cloth, pay for their schooling, and to teach them life skills. They only want them to stay at the Peace House for a year and then hopefully they will be able to take care of themselves and return these boys to their homes or find a new one for them. Then they can go and find more boys to help.

The boys are around 9-14 years old and they go to the school where we are teaching. They are in our classes.  So we invited them to our Guest House for dinner tonight.  It was so interesting to watch them.  They piled their plates so high. I thought they could never eat all that, but they did and many went back for seconds.  They rarely get meat to eat.  Again their diet consists mainly of starches.

I was very impressed with the boys. They all sat and waited for everyone to fill the plates and sit down before eating. Then one of the men offered a prayer. They were one of the few clean children I have seen here. They had clean clothes, clean bodies, and nice shoes.  It is very rare to see children like this at our school. When one of the teachers asked the oldest boy what he would like to learn tomorrow in school, his answer was I want to learn to read! Again we take so much for granted!

One of the teachers from the first team sent some little poppers and stickers to them as a gift.  After dinner, we showed them how they worked and they had a great time with them. They were all sharing and very grateful for what they were given.

These boys have grown tremendously since being shown love. One of the boys was known as the biggest thief around before being rescued by this group. They love each other. They now have a family which is something everyone needs!!  This organization has given these boys a chance in life and again Rwandans helping other Rwandans.  What a blessing it is!

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